Air Supply and Demand, Teddy Durgin
Choosers, James McLindon
Creak, Jacquie Floyd
Divorce Toast, Rob Kirby
Do I Know You?, Allie Costa
Dollar Store Pregnancy Test, Janice Neal
Drive Thru Service, Debra Cole
Extroverts Anonymous, Barry Wood
Fill the Empty, Evan Baughfman
French Lesson?, Michael Ricca
Ghost Sitter, Rosanne Manfredi
Good Boy Bad Boy, Nathan Christopher
Heya Abe!, David W. Lipschutz and Dana Hall
Holiday Letter, Rosanne Manfredi
Humming, Barry Wood
Intervention, Rosanne Manfredi
Junior Moment, Lucy Wang
Machamlet, Donna Latham
Normalcy, Steve Martin
Not Cool Anymore, Michele Markarian
Ode to an Ode Lady, Shelley Stolaroff Segal
Oh Dear, Nancy Lombardo
Old Friends, Julie Brandon
One Minute a Day, Marco Di Stefano
One Spot Left, Michele Markarian
Opposites Attract, Barry Wood
Pit Stop, Allie Costa
Plucked, Rishi Chowdhary
Power Pose, Allie Costa
Putting the Fun in Funeral, Daniel Bubbeo
Quit Stalling, Thomas Coash
Roof-Knocking, Marco Di Stefano
Same, Betsy Dudak
School of Thought, Mark Harvey Levine
Searching for Scoundrels. Rob Kirby
Sentenced, Nancy Parker
Snake, Rattle and Roll With The Punch: A Queer Prom-Com, Allison Fradkin
Stalingrad, James McLindon
That Kind of Boy, Steve Martin
The Candidate, Mark Harvey Levine
The Chippery, Alex Bernstein
The Great Escape, James McLindon
The Oldest Auditions for a Play, Michele Markarian
The Order, Mark Harvey Levine
The Ugly Baby. Rick Hachemeister
The Value of a Penny, Rick Hachemeister
The Writing Bug, Evan Baughfman
Tough Sell, Felix Racelis
Trash Night, Debra Cole
Treasure, John Busser
We've All Asked, Jean Ciampi
Win and Tim and the Unlikelihood of Living Forever, Steve Martin